Opposition to the figure is mostly found in the most urbanized provinces of North and South Holland, where between 9% and 7% of the populace wants to change the appearance of Zwarte Piet. In Amsterdam, most opposition towards the character is found among the Ghanaian, Antillean and Dutch Surinamese communities, with 50% of the Surinamese considering the figure to be discriminatory to others, whereas 27% consider the figure to be discriminatory towards themselves.[35] The predominance of the Dutch black community among those who oppose the Zwarte Piet character is also visible among the main anti Zwarte Piet movements, Zwarte Piet Niet and Zwarte Piet is Racisme which have established themselves since the 2010s. Generally, adherents of these groups consider Zwarte Piet to be part of the Dutch colonial heritage, in which black people were subservient to whites and/or are opposed to what they consider stereotypical black (“Black Sambo”) features of the figure, such as bright red lips, curly hair and large golden earrings.[36].
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