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Wholesale Replica Handbags Quilted Lovelies’ Scrap Bags contain various sizes from 2″ squares to yardage, but most average quarter yard cuts. Buying by the pound is a great way to build your stash, and there are surprises Replica Bags in every pack! One pound of fabric is about 3 to 3 1/2 yards of total fabric. (That’s $1.67 a yard!) Fabrics are folded, stacked and Fake Handbags tied with a fabric ribbon great for guild Designer Fake Bags gifts or for you! It batik o rama! These jewel toned beauties are hand dyed and have Fake Designer Bags the same image on both sides. They gorgeous! (Can you tell I like batiks a lot?)

The fabrics are from my personal collection, washed high quality replica handbags and pressed. Each pack weighs a pound. Fabrics may vary, but will be similar to those shown. They will ship Priority mail, so you won’t have to wait forever to get it, but they are non Replica Bags Wholesale returnable. International orders ship First Class. Also perfect for patchwork quilts, applique, fussy cutting, hexagons, yo yos, sachets, whatever your imagination can dream up!Quilted Lovelies’ Scrap Bags contain various sizes from 2″ squares to yardage, but most average quarter yard cuts. Buying by the pound is a great way to build your stash, and there are surprises in every pack! One pound of fabric is about 3 to 3 1/2 yards of total fabric. (That’s $1.67 a yard!) Fabrics are folded, stacked and Replica Designer Handbags tied with a fabric ribbon great for guild gifts or for you! It batik o rama! These jewel toned beauties are hand dyed and have the same image on both sides. They gorgeous! (Can you tell I like batiks a lot?)

The fabrics are from my personal collection, washed and pressed. Each pack weighs a pound. Fabrics may vary, but will be similar to cheap replica handbags those shown. They will ship Priority mail, so you won’t have to wait forever to get it, Designer Replica Bags but they are non returnable. International orders ship First Class. Also purse replica handbags perfect for patchwork quilts, applique, fussy cutting, hexagons, yo Handbags Replica yos, sachets, whatever your imagination can dream up!Your lovely will be shipped the least expensive way possible, which for most US destinations is Parcel Post. International orders will be shipped either First Class International or Priority International depending on the size of the quilt. Coasters, doll quilts, placemats and wall hangings will ship First aaa replica designer handbags Class. If you would like your lovely delivered another way or to a country not listed, please contact me for a shipping quote. I ship worldwide except to Italy. Unfortunately, Italy prohibits the import of any sewn item, including needlework. KnockOff Handbags Your order will ship within 36 hours after payment is received.

Cotton is easily replica Purse deteriorated by acids and contact with cardboard or unfinished wood, which can become acidic. Quilted Lovelies is not replica handbags online responsible for issues that may arise from improperly cleaning, storing or displaying a quilt or table runner Wholesale Replica Bags after it is received replica handbags china by the customer. Care instructions are Replica Handbags included with every order. My quilts are handmade and not mass produced. Any material flaws should be considered an enhancement to the character of the piece, and add wholesale replica designer handbags to its value in terms of originality. But if you disagree, all non custom made quilted items come with a 30 day guarantee. All measurements are approximate to within 1/2″.