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It seems like sale season gets a little bigger and a little earlier every year, and that’s something you’ll never see anyone on the team complaining about. In addition to our weekly roundup of bag deals, we’ve got several more fun things to remind you of. First, the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale is still going on an a bunch of new bags were added recently. Second, the Bloomingdale’s Friends & Family Sale lasts through November 17 and will get you 20% off almost all full-price and sale purchases with code PURSE20. It’s an embarrassment of markdown riches out there right now. 1 / 10Tory Burch Thea SatchelWas $475, now $318 via Nordstrom2 / 10Rebecca Minkoff Woven Leather Perfection ToteWas $595, now $238 via Saks3 / 10Ralph Lauren Collection Saddle Flap BagWas $1,150, now $805 via Saks4 / 10ZAC Zac Posen Eartha Small ShopperWas $395, now $276 via Bloomingdale’s5 / 10Treesje Stripe Coast Crossbody SatchelWas $298, now $208 via Bloomingdale’s6 / 10Milly Zoey SatchelWas $435, now $300 via Barneys Warehouse7 / 10Mark Cross Madison Weekender SatchelWas $2,095, now $999 via Barneys Warehouse8 / 10Rebecca Minkoff Cupid Calf Hair Leopard SatchelWas $550 , now $385 via Neiman Marcus9 / 10Botkier Ryder Top Handle$495 1:1 quality replica prada , now $396 via ShopBop10 / 10Loeffler Randall Snakeskin Lock ClutchWas $350, now $280 via ShopBopP.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon,Neiman Marcus,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!
The Best Bag Deals of the Weekend of November 15
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