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This is the fabulous younger cousin to the Birkin that you may not have to wait years for (though you should keep your name on the Birkin list cuz by the time you get it, you will finally be old enough to carry it). The Hermes Lindy is a stylish and super functional bag with double sided compartments so you can keep your stuff separate and organized. I love how it collapses in the center when empty but expands to hold all the essentials a girl needs to look gorgeous throughout the day. Available in leather or canvas with calfskin trim replica designer bags , this is THE bag I’m obsessing over for Spring (pink please, it will go with all of my Hello Kitty accessories). Just when I thought I couldn’t love the House of Hermes more (though not so much that I’d name my son Hermes like that skanky has been Kelly Rutherford. Who is she you ask? Exactly) they delight me with a bag that will certainly earn a coveted place in my bag wardrobe. The Lindy is destined to sell out so call your local Hermes boutique quickly: Ask for Craig at Highland Park (214) 528-0197 or New York (212) 751 3181. Choose from size 30cm or 34 cm, prices range from $4300-$4800

love the bag… does anyone know how much the canvas and leather one costs?

psst Bag Snob- Craig and Alexis are my sales men too!

yeah how much does it cost?

Hi Cam ,

Small world! I know you are in good hands and don’t have to worry about your bag purchases!


Bag Snob

Bayswater leather bag

very lovely bag…*USD$6000*… the price is really a stretch!

I have the Lindy in blue leather, costs 3500 Euro in France and Germany.

I love this model of hermes please send me detail of lindy bag with size>

thank you

I love this model of hermes please send me detail of lindy bag with size>

thank you

love it!! i def need one in pink =)

Where can I see the different styles and sizes of the Lindy Bag? sell replica hermes lindy bags,herems lindy handbags,hermes kelly bags,hermes birkin bags.

I’ve got one in dark blue, brand new, 3800 euros. Anyone interested in buying, pls send me an email, postage to any part of the world is included

It looks amazing.Love this bag!!!

it is so perfect

Wonderful and look gorgeous, love it very much!

Hermes Lindy

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