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The cover of Dr. Brandt’s book , 10 Minutes, 10 Years. The key to a flawless, youthful complexion may now be just a phone call away.We’ve long considered dermatologist Fredric Brandt to be a `skincare saint’ due to all the anti-aging miracles that we’ve seen him perform. Before, the only way to score an appointment with the sought after doc was to visit his offices in New York City or Miami—or charter a personal jet for him , as one A-list actress has been rumored to do. But now, thanks to a weekly live Sirius radio gig, he’s bringing his expertise straight to you.Tune into SiriusXM Stars (channel 107) every Saturday from 1 to 2 to hear Brandt (who, rumor has it, is responsible for the eternally youthful glow of celebs such as Demi Moore and Madonna) talk skin shop on everything from how to make blemish disappear over night to how young is too young to start Botox.Think of his radio show as an hour’s appointment with the hottest derm in town—absolutely free.

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